When the saints go marching in...

I want to be one of them.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday morning thoughts...

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." - 1 Peter 1:13

"Por eso, disponganse para actuar con inteligencia; tengan dominio propio; pongan su esperanza completamente en la gracia que se les dara cuando se revele Jesucristo."
- Primera Carta de Pedro 1:13

I read the above this morning and was struck by the simplicity of it all. If I could just fulfill this one verse, this one sentence, I would be living in God's will. The problem lies in my complete inability to focus on Christ in my daily pursuits. This morning, I've made it a goal of mine to memorize this verse and the two following verses ("be holy, because I am holy..."). Having these words of truth rattling around in my brain may be a step toward fulfilling them.

On another note, as the above might suggest, I'm learning Spanish! After I returning home from Mexico for the 6th time this summer, I had to admit the absurdity of my knowing only the few phrases taught to me by the more linguistically diverse (in addition, of course, to words like "muchachos" that I'd gleaned from John Wayne movies). So finally, I decided to do something about it.

First, I went to the Christian bookstore and bought a Spanish/English Bible to replace the one that was starting to become a loose lief book. Then I signed up to audit a Spanish class. I'm auditing because I don't have time to do all the work, but since I am bound to studenthood for the next two and a half years or so, by golly, I might as well take full advantage of that. I'm already paying to be a full-time student, so it's almost like it's free! (...almost.) Anyway, it's cheaper for me than buying Rosetta Stone or something. Also, it has the added benefit of keeping me disciplined. Our professor teaches by asking us questions in class, rather than going over grammar and vocab the whole time, so if I don't study, I will surely feel stupid in class. Personal pride is such a great motivator.

Well, I think I've effectually used up all the time I've got right now.
So...adios muchachos!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I was not a baby person.

I was NOT a baby person. What do babies do? They drool. They poop. They spit up. They cry. They smell...weird. Give me a little kid any day, but not a baby.

...But people go nuts over babies. Women shop in the baby section and impulse buy for babies of their friends, relations and roommate's cousins. Why is this? All this fuss over babies. I didn't get it.

Then I found out that my very own brother was about to plunge into the realm of fatherhood and what did I do? I bought a picture book on impulse. I told myself this did NOT mean I was turning into a baby person. It was a good deal. It was a good book. Who knew if I'd find it again? I only had to hang onto it for about 7-8 months.

Let me tell you, a piggy blanket, pig outfit (Ry if you're reading, don't tell Cristina), 3 picture books, one hand stitched "Dorothy Jean" art project, and 2 cute little outfits later...I'm not doing a good job keeping myself convinced about my status as a non-baby person.

Now that Dorothy's born, I find myself looking pitifully at whoever's holding her in hopes that they'll give her up. I've begun comparing each baby I see to my niece: "Oh, that baby looks like Dorothy!" (Yeah, Em, they are both babies...) Last night I caught myself jumping at the chance to change a diaper. Oh, poop. That's the number one symptom of being a baby person.