When the saints go marching in...

I want to be one of them.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Don't forget to remember...

"I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot?' Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?" - When Harry Met Sally
(...or does it mean that we should forget about all the old people with whom we are acquainted?)

You know, some mornings, a cup of tea is just a cup of tea. But SOME mornings...Ahhh, some sort of magical chemical reaction occurs in that mug that makes it special.

This morning, after drinking my tea and eating a particularly delicious Karen-made oatmeal cookie, I decided to research that enigmatic song that no one seems to know anything about: "Auld Lang Syne"

Here is what I found out (according to the ever unreliable Wikipedia):
  • It is a Scottish folk song
  • "Auld Lang Syne" means..."old long since" or "for old time's sake" or "long, long ago" or "days gone by" or "let's just say we're doing it for a pal in the army" (which is not good, but it's a reason...)
  • It was featured in a Bugs Bunny cartoon:
"Friz Freleng's cartoon, The Wabbit Who Came to Supper (1942) has Bugs Bunny suddenly claim that it is New Year's Day to stop Elmer Fudd from chasing him. Bugs starts singing 'Auld Lang Syne,' only to have Elmer look at a calendar and realize that it is actually July."

...And that's all I care to tell you about that.
Yes I did have a cookie for breakfast.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here at the end of all things...

Nothing hits you quite like the realization that you suddenly have enough free time to stop ignoring the celery stalks that have been sitting in a cup of water in the fridge because they were limp, but now the water's frozen and you think they've gone bad anyway. Nothing hits you quite like that.