As it turns out, it's quite a good feeling having a clean range.
I started the book Saturday after my friend was gone and was finished by Sunday evening. Bursts of late-night whooping laughter characterized my experience with this book. (Sorry neighbors......By the way, I have an ongoing love relationship with parenthesis.)
To give you a flavor of the book, here is what I read on the opening page:
"Our church is getting like an auction room. One blink and you get ministered to. Sit still and keep your eyes shining-that's my motto. This morning was Edwin Burlesford's fault. Forty-five minutes on 'sin'! A record nine-fruit-gum talk. Halfway through, I was checking supplies when Edwin suddenly shouted 'LUST!', and made me drop the packet under my chair. Put my head down between my knees to locate it, then couldn't get up because Doreen Cook pressed her hands down on the back of my head. She prayed that 'our despairing brother would move from darkness to light'. I was all for that-I couldn't see a thing. When she let me get up she had one of those roguish Christian smiles on her face. Came very close to really giving her something to forgive me for. Everyone thinks I've got a big lust problem now..."
As predicted by Cristina, I love it.
(In other news...Dorothy took a bottle on Friday!)
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